Emerson Hill's Shetland Sheepdogs

Emerson Hill's Shetland Sheepdogs


Are you interested in a Sheltie from Emerson Hill's Shelties ?

 Please copy and paste this questionnaire into an e-mail. Once completed e-mail it to me at iceyzma@outlook.com.                                                 

1.What is your home situation like ? ( Apartment , condo , home , rental ) And how long have you rented or owned your current dwelling ? 

2. Do you have a fenced in yard that is Shelties safe ?

3. Describe your family and it's members ( include ages , please ) or anyone that lives in the home full time and how they relate to dogs  ?

4. Why have you chosen the Sheltie breed any how much do you know about the breed ?

5. How many dogs or cats do you currently have and describe them ? 

6. How many dogs or cats have you had in the last five years and describe them and where are they now ? 

7. Do you have a regular vet and would I be able to call them for a reference ? List them and a phone number. 

8. If need be , can you provide other references other than your vet ? It can be neighbors, friends , or relatives ? List a couple 

9. Do you plan to do any activities with your dog ( I.e. Performance , 4-H , therapy , etc. ) ?

10. Are you planning on crate / potty training ? 

11. What is the most important thing to you when choosing a pet as your new family member ? Health , temperament , sex , color , markings , price ? Ect . ? List importance in order of your wants . Example: 

1 color , 2 sex , 3 health, etc. 

12. What provisions will be made if your family was unable to keep the dog ?. I know things aren’t always like life is planned . We need a backup plan in case . Explain your plan 

13. How many hours a day will you spend with your Sheltie ? 

15. Are your other pets spayed / neutered ? If no , why ? 

16. How did you hear about Emerson Hill's Shelties and why did you choose us ?